Thursday, January 22, 2009

“Incredible! Thrilling!” It must be abstruse at this moment to comprehend the usage of these remarks? But for the past few days, I’ve been constantly singing this swansong and the reason???  Well, it lies in the abyss of 3-d games which have got me unplugged; simply dragged in some other world, away from the daily blues and challenges of our normal life. It gave me an immense pleasure to bask in this dichotomy of life: living two lives at the same time.

Well, sounds really amazing. And what adds cherry on the top is the heroic status that you enjoy in this virtual panorama of games-‘feigned ruler of the world’. But apart from this crustal view, something deeper prompted me to pen down my thoughts and make everyone descry this short piece as some meaningful stuff rather than any amusing note.

Although two disparate worlds, one being the virtual & another where we live in, but at the root level, they share many strange realities.  Some realities which make us thrive and prosper. Ever thought of going behind the scenes? Well, both these worlds share the similar ambience but décor is varying. There exists a blend of EFFORT! POWER! And LUCK!

At each podium of life or rather I should say, to reach the next podium, “Effort” tunes in as the quintessential key; paving the way out of a long dark tunnel then whether be it jumping like Mario from one brick to another or studying 2 nights before the exam.J What I’m saying is efforts never go in vain. “Power”- enticing by the name only! Power to surpass all difficulties! Power to kill all evils! Power to blossom like a lotus amid muddy waters!! Yes, it’s there in the games but in real world too. And for me, what makes one powerful is one’s MIND & SOUL, not just grenades, guns etc, etc, etc. This enthralls me to use my favorite line:

“It’s all in the mind”!!!!!!

Mind can be angel and the very next moment, demon too! It’s for us to use it the right way. Last but not the least:”Luck”! Aah... Now, this is what which makes it all the more interesting. It helps add a pinch of sugar in our so colorless and so acerbic life! I’m not going in the elaboration mode but luck makes it work, in any form. And like everything, we do get chance(s) to prove ourselves time & again… reviewing our past mistakes and making a fresh, successful start!

I know these three help us to thrive in a land, be it virtual or actual. But then, don’t you think something I’m missing?? Yes, I’ll tell you and that’s GOD! We put in everything of ours to get past the hurdles laid down in this virtual world, or rather his virtual world. In fact, coming back to the games, we are the Marios in his 3-d games ;) Now, this leaves me with just one line to suffice my crap: if this is true, then aren’t we humans no more than VIRTUAL gods (mind it! I’m not saying god, but virtual god), mastering the virtual puppets on this virtual ground??? Yes we are, but with a difference which we all know: a difference of mastering, of reviving, of flourishing in a non-existent land auguring real existence to us; in a 'land of virtual reality'!

We, (along with the three factors I stated above) thrive to blossom and prosper in his VIRTUAL WORLD… on this VIRTUAL LAND… and what’s incredible about it is?? Our SPIRITS: which keep us going despite knowing the fact that it’s a game of destiny, still thriving to change those lines!


  1. oh my god! I envy your vocabulary...!
    Liked your idea... U are the first human being whom I've seen supporting the virtual games in this way...Effort, Power and Luck... yepp... If only we were able to apply these three in the 'real' life of ours with the same zeal,enthusiasm and determination as we do in these virtual games.. life would take a different and a positive turn all of a sudden!

    Nice piece there!
    tata )

  2. Nice article !! A very different perspective towards life and so truthful :) Keep it up, Swati.

  3. hey ....too gud ...wht a wonderful use of words and ideas....i support ur thots...keep gng...u rock swati...

  4. I am surprised as well as happy about the fact that finally you have broken the silence and spoken out loud and clear.You have expressed yourself so clearly that i am so proud of you.Keep it up and i am sure you will only grow better with time.Keep up the good work.Cheers!!

  5. hey swati, I appreciate your effort. It is commendable! Your thoughts of Effort, Power & Luck have been a universal tenet and no one can challenge it. Although, your cognizance of 3-D games has been a different one!

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